[Infusion-users] Uploader & Firefox 3.5

Eli Cochran eli at media.berkeley.edu
Wed Aug 26 18:36:44 UTC 2009

Hi folks,
I'm working with Benjamin on the Matterhorn team to get the Uploader  
working for them as well. They could also use a patch for this bug.

There doesn't seem to be any chatter about this bug on the SWFUpload  
forums which makes me wonder if there is something about our  

I'll let you know if I figure anything out.

- Eli

On Aug 25, 2009, at 2:11 PM, Matt Zumwalt wrote:

> Hi Colin,
> A patch would be wonderful if you've got the time to cook one up.
> In case I forget to come back to it later, I've pushed starter code  
> for a fluid-infusion Rails plugin here:  http://github.com/mediashelf/fluid-infusion
> This is the plugin I use in my own rails projects, which are only  
> taking advantage of the uploader right now.  It doesn't provide any  
> nifty view helpers or anything like that at the moment, but it's a  
> start.
> Matt Zumwalt
> MediaShelf, LLC
> http://www.yourmediashelf.com
> On Aug 21, 2009, at 4:31 PM, Colin Clark wrote:
>> Matt,
>> I remember you from the Jasig conference back in 2008. Great to  
>> hear that you're getting some use out of Infusion!
>> Totally sucks that you've uncovered this bug with Uploader and  
>> Firefox 3.5. I've traced the error back to SWFUpload's code. It's  
>> explode when we invoke setButtonDisabled(), which we do during the  
>> upload process to ensure that users can't accidentally re-open the  
>> file dialog.
>> I'm pursuing a fix, and I hope it'll be ready in time for the  
>> upcoming Infusion 1.2 release. In the meantime, the only workaround  
>> I've found is to actually not call swfupload.setButtonDisabled() if  
>> we're on FF3.5. Sort of a nasty workaround, but I could cook up a  
>> patch for you if it's helpful.
>> http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/FLUID-3114
>> As for the idea of a Rails plugin for Infusion, that would be  
>> awesome. Let me know how we can help. I'm sure we'd also be happy  
>> to distribute the plugin if you do find the time to cook something  
>> up.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Colin
>> On 20-Aug-09, at 11:57 AM, Justin wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Thank you for your strong interest in Fluid Infusion. The rails  
>>> plugin sounds like a great idea.
>>> We actually are only going to start supporting Firefox 3.5 in  
>>> Infusion 1.2, and as such had not tested it against any of our  
>>> prior versions.
>>> Sorry about the confusion, I have updated the browser support page  
>>> ( http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Browser+Support ) to  
>>> more explicitly indicate which version the page is referring to.
>>> That being said, I really appreciate your informing us of this  
>>> bug. I have filed two issues against the Uploader in Firefox 3.5.
>>> http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/FLUID-3114
>>> http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/FLUID-3115
>>> We will be working to have those resolved asap.
>>> Thank you
>>> Justin
>>> On 19-Aug-09, at 7:54 PM, Matt Zumwalt wrote:
>>>> Hi there,
>>>> I've been an admirer of your project since you presented at JA- 
>>>> SIG in 2008.  I've picked up the fluid uploader and written a  
>>>> rails plugin that uses it.  When I upgraded to Firefox 3.5, the  
>>>> uploader stopped working.  When I hit "upload", nothing happens.  
>>>> The only error I can find is this:  uncaught exception: Call to  
>>>> SetButtonDisabled failed
>>>> I saw that infusion 1.1 is marked as supporting firefox 3.5, so I  
>>>> did a quick & dirty upgrade (replaced my infusion source folder  
>>>> with the new infusion source.  left all of the html as-is), but  
>>>> the same error remains.
>>>> Has anyone else encountered this problem?  I think it's related  
>>>> to the infusion jquery code rather than swfupload itself.  Has it  
>>>> already been fixed and I just missed a step?
>>>> Thus far, I haven't touched the infusion source; I don't think of  
>>>> myself as much of a javascript developer.  I've been running on  
>>>> infusionAll.js, so my stack traces are pretty much useless.  I  
>>>> vaguely remember seeing a wiki page that tells you how to switch  
>>>> back & forth between using the minified code and the full source?
>>>> Also, I considered creating a generic rails plugin for  
>>>> integrating infusion into rails apps.  If you would be interested  
>>>> in having this done, let me know.  It would be pretty easy to do,  
>>>> and might make the upgrade path more graceful for rails developers.
>>>> Matt Zumwalt
>>>> MediaShelf, LLC
>>>> http://www.yourmediashelf.com
>> ---
>> Colin Clark
>> Technical Lead, Fluid Project
>> http://fluidproject.org
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. . . . . . . . . . .  .  .   .    .      .         .              .                     .

Eli Cochran
user interaction developer
ETS, UC Berkeley

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