Infusion Builder next steps for the 1.2 release

Jess Mitchell jess at
Fri Aug 21 20:00:35 UTC 2009

lots to do before 1.2, but this sounds great!


Jess Mitchell
Boston, MA, USA
Project Manager / Fluid Project
jess at
/ w / 617.326.7753  / c / 919.599.5378
jabber: jessmitchell at

On Aug 21, 2009, at 3:51 PM, Colin Clark wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> Justin, Laurel, and I chatted briefly today about the Infusion  
> Builder and what needs to get done at a high level before it will be  
> ready for the Infusion 1.2 release.
> As you remember, the Builder will be a feature on our Web site that  
> allows developers to create their own custom builds of Infusion,  
> choosing the components and features they want "a la carte." Unlike  
> our previous build scripts, this will provide a friendly user  
> interface for picking and choosing amongst the features offered in  
> Infusion. The Builder is itself build using the Infusion framework.
> Next steps:
> 1. Jamon and Laurel work together to do a security review of the  
> server-side code
> 2. Get the Builder up on our Web site so we can try it out in a  
> realistic environment (Laurel)
> 3. Create a QA test plan for the Builder (Alison with Justin's help?)
> 4. Devise a set of load tests to ensure it will scale to a  
> reasonable volume of concurrent users (Laurel)
> I think this will be an awesome addition to Infusion.
> Colin
> ---
> Colin Clark
> Technical Lead, Fluid Project
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