Mobile-specific tools in Infusion?

Jacob Farber jacob.farber at
Thu Aug 20 15:25:17 UTC 2009

I like the idea of this demo experience. I think this idea works well with our comprehensive demo portal concept.

-----Original Message-----
From: fluid-work-bounces at [mailto:fluid-work-bounces at] On Behalf Of Michelle D'Souza
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 10:25 AM
To: Colin Clark
Cc: fluid-work List
Subject: Re: Mobile-specific tools in Infusion?


> Chatting about this with Michelle, she raised some concern about  
> including code in Infusion that isn't tested or useful across the  
> full range of A-grade desktop browsers. She suggested the idea of a  
> separate, mobile-specific product or "module" for Infusion that  
> would be separately packaged and distributed.

Thinking about this more I think this isn't the best way to go for two  
reasons. First, the extra overhead a separate product would require  
and secondly where would we ship components that work both on the  
desktop and on the mobile? Likely a long term goal for us is to have  
most components work in both places. Perhaps, as Colin suggested,  
documentation is the answer.

I still think it will be confusing for users taking a quick look at  
the Infusion product. Like most users, I'd look at the demos before  
reading any docs. My browser of choice is FF3 and when I recently took  
a quick look at the Navigation List component that Justin has just  
started building I was quite surprised that an empty page loaded. Now  
given the newness of this component that could very well have been the  
expected results as Justin may have been working on the back end of  
the code first however, opening the same demo in Safari gave me a  
lovely demo of the component.

It just occurred to me that shipping an html page at the top level of  
our product that linked into the demos would help solve this issue. We  
could then organize the list of components in such a way that it's  
really clear where they should work. This would also help us maintain  
the nightly build site by distributing the work of updating the page  
that links to components.

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