April 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Apr 1 01:21:11 UTC 2009
Ending: Thu Apr 30 20:12:46 UTC 2009
Messages: 195
- Logo vote
Nate Angell
- Progress added as component to JIRA
Antranig Basman
- Uploader file types
Aaron Brown
- Uploader file types
Aaron Brown
- Uploader file types
Aaron Brown
- Uploader file types : Mac files
Aaron Brown
- Image Gallery Uploader Demo not working
Anastasia Cheetham
- Image Gallery demo now working (was Re: Image Gallery Uploader Demo not working)
Anastasia Cheetham
- Progress added as component to JIRA
Anastasia Cheetham
- Progress added as component to JIRA
Anastasia Cheetham
- Daily Standup time is changing
Anastasia Cheetham
- Documentation status
Anastasia Cheetham
- Finishing Fluid 1.0: Documentation
Anastasia Cheetham
- proposed standup time change 1:30p PDT/2:30p MDG/4:30p EDT/9:30p BST/10:30p CEST
Anastasia Cheetham
- use meaningful link text
Anastasia Cheetham
- Icons for api readiness status
Anastasia Cheetham
- Icons for api readiness status
Anastasia Cheetham
- downloads page on website and wiki
Anastasia Cheetham
- Documentation
Anastasia Cheetham
- Documentation Guidelines post 1.0
Anastasia Cheetham
- Uploader API need Review
Anastasia Cheetham
- Logos
Anastasia Cheetham
- What is Infusion? document
Anastasia Cheetham
- What is Infusion? document
Anastasia Cheetham
- Release timeline for Fluid Infusion 1.1
Anastasia Cheetham
- API name change ideas for Infusion 1.0
Colin Clark
- Summary of API renaming for 1.0
Colin Clark
- fluid infusion uploader - postParams and meta info
Colin Clark
- VULAB-193 - Code Review Please :) (RESEND)
Colin Clark
- Image Reorderer code question
Colin Clark
- Voting in the Fluid community
Colin Clark
- New Infusion Users list and a new focus for fluid-talk
Colin Clark
- Infusion documentation sprint continues
Colin Clark
- Voting in the Fluid community
Colin Clark
- Draft Infusion 1.1 roadmap
Colin Clark
- Fluid Engage benchmarking first list
Colin Clark
- My notes from our chat with Museum of the Moving Image today
Colin Clark
- Uploader API need Review
Colin Clark
- Engage architecture meeting on Wednesday
Colin Clark
- Engage architecture meeting on Wednesday
Colin Clark
- Wiki page for Engage background resources
Colin Clark
- What is Infusion? document
Colin Clark
- My notes from yesterday's meeting with DIA
Colin Clark
- Uploader file types : Mac files
Colin Clark
- Image Gallery Uploader Demo not working
Eli Cochran
- Progress added as component to JIRA
Eli Cochran
- Fluid 1.0 Release still scheduled for this Wednesday
Eli Cochran
- SVN Question - modifications to an External file
Eli Cochran
- Release Priorities: Bug Fixing > QA > Dependencies > Read Me > Wiki Documentation and Demos
Eli Cochran
- Release 1.0 Status ... still a day from release
Eli Cochran
- Reminder: the Infusion SVN is in lock down
Eli Cochran
- Reminder: the Infusion SVN is in lock down
Eli Cochran
- Fluid Infusion Trunk is reopen for 1.1 development
Eli Cochran
- proposed standup time change 1:30p PDT/2:30p MDG/4:30p EDT/9:30p BST/10:30p CEST
Eli Cochran
- Fluid Component Tutorial Questions
Eli Cochran
- Icons for api readiness status
Eli Cochran
- API design
Eli Cochran
- Uploader API need Review
Eli Cochran
- Uploader file types
Eli Cochran
- Uploader API need Review
Eli Cochran
- Uploader file types
Eli Cochran
- Uploader file types
Eli Cochran
- Documentation Guidelines post 1.0
Eli Cochran
- What is Infusion? document
Eli Cochran
- Build Script Help Needed
Michelle D'Souza
- use meaningful link text
Michelle D'Souza
- Documentation Guidelines post 1.0
Michelle D'Souza
- Engage architecture meeting on Wednesday
Michelle D'Souza
- Documentation Guidelines post 1.0
Michelle D'Souza
- proposed standup time change 1:30p PDT/2:30p MDG/4:30p EDT/9:30p BST/10:30p CEST
Muriel Garreta Domingo
- Exhibition designer interview and contextual inquiry guide now up on wiki
Muriel Garreta Domingo
- VULAB-193 - Code Review Please :)
Jacob Farber
- 2 Code Reviews - VULAB
Jacob Farber
- 2 Code Reviews - VULAB
Jacob Farber
- Icons for api readiness status
Jacob Farber
- Icons for api readiness status
Jacob Farber
- API design
Jacob Farber
- API design
Jacob Farber
- What is Infusion? document
Jacob Farber
- Logos
Jacob Farber
- Logo vote
Jacob Farber
- Logo vote
Jacob Farber
- Logo vote
Jacob Farber
- Logo vote
Jacob Farber
- [OpenCast] Accessibility requirements for user facing applications
Adam Hochman
- OSDPL - announcing a more flexible authoring system
Jonathan Hung
- SVN Question - modifications to an External file
Jonathan Hung
- Patterns ready to be published?
Jonathan Hung
- Patterns ready to be published?
Jonathan Hung
- Patterns ready to be published?
Jonathan Hung
- proposed standup time change 1:30p PDT/2:30p MDG/4:30p EDT/9:30p BST/10:30p CEST
Jonathan Hung
- Logo vote
Jonathan Hung
- Code Freeze
- Fwd: Testing for the 1.0 release
- Testing for the 1.0 release
- Testing for the 1.0 release
- Fluid Component Tutorial Questions
- proposed standup time change 1:30p PDT/2:30p MDG/4:30p EDT/9:30p BST/10:30p CEST
- Fluid Component Tutorial Questions
- Please Review: Fluid Framework Functions documentation
- Uploader file types
- Final Day of Documentation Sprint: What's Left?
- Logos
- Release timeline for Fluid Infusion 1.1
- Release timeline for Fluid Infusion 1.1
- Release timeline for Fluid Infusion 1.1
- Exhibition designer interview and contextual inquiry guide now up on wiki
Clayton H Lewis
- My notes from our chat with Museum of the Moving Image today
Clayton H Lewis
- Exhibition designer interview and contextual inquiry guide now up on wiki
Clayton H Lewis
- "inverse" RFId
Clayton H Lewis
- Daily Standup time is changing
Jess Mitchell
- Fluid Academic team retrospective Wed, April 15 8 am PDT /11 am EDT / 4 pm GMT / 5 pm CEST
Jess Mitchell
- Fluid Academic team retrospective Wed, April 15 8 am PDT /11 am EDT / 4 pm GMT / 5 pm CEST
Jess Mitchell
- Reminder: the Infusion SVN is in lock down
Jess Mitchell
- Tuesday, April 14th new Daily Standup time
Jess Mitchell
- Retrospective logistics?
Jess Mitchell
- retrospective -- introspective
Jess Mitchell
- Museum Computer Network listserv
Jess Mitchell
- proposed standup time change 1:30p PDT/2:30p MDG/4:30p EDT/9:30p BST/10:30p CEST
Jess Mitchell
- Exhibition designer interview and contextual inquiry guide now up on wiki
Jess Mitchell
- Fluid Engage research links
Jess Mitchell
- Exhibition designer interview and contextual inquiry guide now up on wiki
Jess Mitchell
- Confluence Help Tips don't show up in Firefox
Jess Mitchell
- Daily Standup time is changing -- effective Monday, April 27th 1:30p PDT / 2:30p MDT / 4:30p EDT / 9:30p GMT / 10:30p CEST
Jess Mitchell
- Icons for api readiness status
Jess Mitchell
- downloads page on website and wiki
Jess Mitchell
- Nancy Proctor's twitter
Jess Mitchell
- What is Infusion? document
Jess Mitchell
- What is Infusion? document
Jess Mitchell
- Standup on Adobe Connect -- if you're having problems read this please
Jess Mitchell
- [OpenCast] Accessibility requirements for user facing applications
John Norman
- Design Patterns ready for review
Daphne Ogle
- fluid-work Digest, Vol 25, Issue 31
Daphne Ogle
- Design Patterns ready for review
Daphne Ogle
- Image Reorderer code question
Daphne Ogle
- Image Reorderer code question
Daphne Ogle
- Image Reorderer code question
Daphne Ogle
- Patterns ready to be published?
Daphne Ogle
- Image Reorderer code question
Daphne Ogle
- Retrospective logistics?
Daphne Ogle
- Retrospective logistics?
Daphne Ogle
- retrospective -- introspective
Daphne Ogle
- proposed standup time change 1:30p PDT/2:30p MDG/4:30p EDT/9:30p BST/10:30p CEST
Daphne Ogle
- Exhibition designer interview and contextual inquiry guide now up on wiki
Daphne Ogle
- Confluence Help Tips don't show up in Firefox
Daphne Ogle
- What is Infusion? document
Daphne Ogle
- Persona section of Design Handbook ready for review
Daphne Ogle
- Broken link in VULab
Ron Owston
- Engage architecture meeting on Wednesday
David Trelles
- Exhibition designer interview and contextual inquiry guide now up on wiki
Ron Wakkary
- Exhibition designer interview and contextual inquiry guide now up on wiki
Ron Wakkary
- Exhibition designer interview and contextual inquiry guide now up on wiki
Ron Wakkary
- fluid-work Digest, Vol 25, Issue 31
Herb Wideman
- Article access
Herb Wideman
- proposed standup time change 1:30p PDT/2:30p MDG/4:30p EDT/9:30p BST/10:30p CEST
Laurel A. Williams
- documentation of subcomponents - your help please
Laurel A. Williams
- use meaningful link text
Laurel A. Williams
- downloads page on website and wiki
Laurel A. Williams
- Release timeline for Fluid Infusion 1.1
Laurel A. Williams
- Exhibition designer interview and contextual inquiry guide now up on wiki
James William Yoon
- Exhibition designer interview and contextual inquiry guide now up on wiki
James William Yoon
- Benchmarking - sources of information
James William Yoon
- Some notes and observations from my museum excursion
James William Yoon
- Exhibition designer interview and contextual inquiry guide now up on wiki
James William Yoon
- Notes from introductory McCord Museum call
James William Yoon
- Notes from call with Carl Hogsden of MAA/CambridgeU/CARET
James William Yoon
- Designing ICTs for persons with disabilities, and intergenerational, universal usability
James William Yoon
- proposed standup time change 1:30p PDT/2:30p MDG/4:30p EDT/9:30p BST/10:30p CEST
Erin Yu
- Exhibition designer interview and contextual inquiry guide now up on wiki
Erin Yu
- Exhibition designer interview and contextual inquiry guide now up on wiki
Erin Yu
- My notes from our chat with Museum of the Moving Image today
Erin Yu
- Logos
Erin Yu
- My notes from yesterday's meeting with DIA
Erin Yu
- Review of the Design Handbook -- UX Walkthroughs
Paul Zablosky
- Patterns ready to be published?
Paul Zablosky
- Patterns ready to be published?
Paul Zablosky
- Logo vote
Paul Zablosky
- Google search suggestions
E.J. Zufelt
- Fluid Engage benchmarking first list
antranig at caret.cam.ac.uk
- What is Infusion? document
antranig at caret.cam.ac.uk
- Logos
antranig at caret.cam.ac.uk
- "inverse" RFId
antranig at caret.cam.ac.uk
- VULAB-193 - Code Review Please :)
- VULAB-193 - Code Review Please :) (RESEND)
- 2 Code Reviews - VULAB
- VULAB-195 - Code Review
- 2 Code Reviews - VULAB
- proposed standup time change 1:30p PDT/2:30p MDG/4:30p
tona monjo
- Fluid Engage benchmarking first list
tona monjo
- Fluid Engage benchmarking first list
tona monjo
- Benchmarking - sources of information
tona monjo
- Benchmarking: 2 reports published
tona monjo
- Image Reorderer code question
elledge at msu.edu
- Image Reorderer code question
elledge at msu.edu
- Image Reorderer code question
elledge at msu.edu
Last message date:
Thu Apr 30 20:12:46 UTC 2009
Archived on: Mon Oct 16 01:18:12 UTC 2023
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