Persona section of Design Handbook ready for review

Daphne Ogle daphne at
Wed Apr 29 21:13:52 UTC 2009

Hi all,

I've done a significant amount of reorganizing and writing in the  
Persona section of the handbook:

I'd love to get some fresh eyes on it for review.

One of my goals was to shorten the landing page and only answer 3  
questions on that page:  what, why and when (which we'll be trying to  
do with each section).  I moved the rest to other pages which are all  
listed in the right side "More on Personas".   You'll find these  
"quick links" consistently on every page within the Persona section.   
"Designing with Personas" was a great but long excerpt from About Face  
that didn't seem appropriate so I rewrote that page.  I also added  
significant content to Persona Creation, Persona Categories & Persona  

Another goal was reference our own work and others as much as  
possible.   I added quite a few links to other sections of the wiki  
within the content.  I also tried to keep all the sections fairly  
brief and focused and referred readers to other expert references on  
Personas since there are so many great ones.  I added some visuals but  
we can always use more of that.  For now, I'm leaving it.

Please take a look and send feedback and questions or just make  
changes directly in the wiki.


Daphne Ogle
Senior Interaction Designer
University of California, Berkeley
Educational Technology Services
daphne at
cell (510)847-0308

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