Documentation Guidelines post 1.0
Michelle D'Souza
michelle.dsouza at
Wed Apr 29 14:29:55 UTC 2009
Yes, this is something we've been talking about for a while now.
Hopefully we'll have some nifty icons we can stick on the relevant
pages soon.
On 28-Apr-09, at 12:23 PM, Eli Cochran wrote:
> I second Michelle's addition. However, if we go this route we should
> probably tag each component landing page, the API page and the
> Tutorial with the status. We don't want folks to feel to
> "comfortable" working with a Sneak Peak component.
> It is more than acceptable to expect that Sneak Peak components will
> be volatile.
> - Eli
> On Apr 27, 2009, at 7:38 AM, Michelle D'Souza wrote:
>> I'd like to add a detail to this proposal. Our components have
>> three statuses: Sneak Peak, Preview and Production Ready. I think
>> API changes to Sneak Peak components should be completely open and
>> do not need to be documented as having changed, changes to Preview
>> components should be more restricted but they can still be made and
>> must be documented as below. Once a component reaches Production
>> Ready we should try not to change existing APIs and if we really
>> have to we should try to provide backwards compatibility for the
>> older APIs where ever possible. Any additions to Production Ready
>> components should be documented as below.
>> Michelle
>> On 27-Apr-09, at 9:40 AM, Anastasia Cheetham wrote:
>>> Now that Infusion 1.0 is out, we have to be a bit more careful
>>> about updating the documentation on the wiki. Because we're
>>> currently not creating any form of "snapshot" of the documentation
>>> as it applies to a release, we should consider the documentation
>>> to have multiple audiences: 1.0 users, trunk users, and in the
>>> future, 1.1 users, 1.2 users, etc. We have to remember that even
>>> after we release 1.1, some users will still be using 1.0.
>>> To that end, we need to ensure that our documentation makes it
>>> perfectly clear when things are different between versions. Here
>>> is a proposal as to how we can do this (thanks to Michelle for
>>> helping me flesh these thoughts out) - I encourage suggestions for
>>> improvements on these ideas:
>>> 1) Anything that is new (i.e. introduced post-1.0) should be
>>> indicated as such, with
>>> "New in trunk" or "New in 1.1" etc.
>>> 2) Anything that is being deprecated or removed should be
>>> indicated as such, with
>>> "Deprecated in 1.1" or "Removed in 1.2"
>>> 3) Anything that is changed (and these will hopefully be few and
>>> far between) should be indicated as such, using the following
>>> conventions:
>>> 3a) While a change is in trunk, and before it's been cut in a
>>> release, the "official" docs should show what was in the latest
>>> release, and include a note as to the change, such as "(Changed to
>>> XXX in trunk)"
>>> 3b) After a change has been released, the "official" docs should
>>> show the new version, along with "(Was YYY in 1.0)"
>>> Thoughts?
>>> --
>>> Anastasia Cheetham a.cheetham at
>>> Software Designer, Fluid Project
>>> Adaptive Technology Resource Centre / University of Toronto
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>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> Michelle D'Souza
>> Software Developer, Fluid Project
>> Adaptive Technology Resource Centre
>> University of Toronto
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> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> Eli Cochran
> user interaction developer
> ETS, UC Berkeley
Michelle D'Souza
Software Developer, Fluid Project
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre
University of Toronto
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