Icons for api readiness status

Eli Cochran eli at media.berkeley.edu
Wed Apr 22 20:45:15 UTC 2009

Very fun. I like them.

The Dilbert-esc upturned tie is brilliant.

- Eli

On Apr 22, 2009, at 11:46 AM, Jacob Farber wrote:

> Hi,
> I’ve been toying with a new layout for the api documentation pages,  
> and one thing I would like to see on them is the production  
> readiness status of the components (which is only viewable right now  
> on the component’s main page).
> As such, there is a very small space allocated in the current design  
> for a small icon and text description. Attached are some little  
> ideas I had based on the existing statuses:
> Sneak peak, preview, and production.
> PLEASE bear in mind these icons will be rather small and out of the  
> way. The design concept for the api page itself is almost ready for  
> discussion as well.
> With that in mind, I would love to hear your feedback!
> Jacob
> <C:\Documents and Settings\Jacob\Desktop\Untitled-1.pdf>
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. . . . . . . . . . .  .  .   .    .      .         .              .                     .

Eli Cochran
user interaction developer
ETS, UC Berkeley

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