Exhibition designer interview and contextual inquiry guide now up on wiki

Jess Mitchell jess at jessmitchell.com
Tue Apr 21 20:52:43 UTC 2009

Just one note of clarification.  I'm trying to make clear to our  
museum partners that these conversations are the first of many.  They  
have busy schedules, but have all seemed thrilled that we will be  
asking them questions now, during Fluid Engage, and we will be working  
closely with them throughout.  So, don't panic if you don't get  
through all the CI items -- but prioritizing never hurts!


Jess Mitchell
Boston, MA, USA
Project Manager / Fluid Project
jess at jessmitchell.com
/ w / 617.326.7753  / c / 919.599.5378
jabber: jessmitchell at gmail.com

On Apr 21, 2009, at 4:30 PM, Muriel Garreta Domingo wrote:

> Hello James and Erin,
> The guide looks great and is very comprehensive. I hope the  
> interviewees will give us enough time to cover up everything!
> Maybe, if we see that the person doesn't have much time for us, we  
> could at least make sure that he / she walks us through the process  
> of an exhibit creation, from the scratch til it has ended. And then,  
> for each step try to find out the process, the output, the people  
> involved, the tools, etc. And then, at the end, ask what Jess  
> mentioned about differences among exhibitions.
> Well, it is just a different way of structuring the same questions :)
> In the initial part (demographics, contexts, icebreakers), I would  
> ask a couple of questions about the museum structure, the amount of  
> people that work there, the departments, etc. Museums are going to  
> vary greatly depending on the size (and therefore budget, etc.).
> Also from the list of contacts we have, it struck me that each has  
> decided on a different IT strategy (mobile, Facebook, podcast,  
> etc.). I think it would be interesting to know the reasons why they  
> picked that technology and not the other. We could ask this part in  
> 4.3 section.
> Best regards,
> Muriel
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