Fluid Engage research links

Jess Mitchell jess at jessmitchell.com
Tue Apr 21 20:16:55 UTC 2009


Folks, have a look at the above site.  It is the hard work of our  
Fluid Engage Advisory Board member Jennifer Trant (and David Bearman)  
and is amazing.  There is just a ton of information particularly  
relevant to our efforts on Fluid Engage.

There are presentations that were just given last week at the Archives  
& Museum Informatics annual meeting "Museums and the Web" that will be  
great for us.

Have a look for maps, mobile, and beyond...

Jess Mitchell
Boston, MA, USA
Project Manager / Fluid Project
jess at jessmitchell.com
/ w / 617.326.7753  / c / 919.599.5378
jabber: jessmitchell at gmail.com

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