Infusion documentation sprint continues

Colin Clark colin.clark at
Tue Apr 21 16:38:54 UTC 2009

Hi everyone,

As Anastasia mentioned last week, we're in the midst of a big sprint  
to expand the documentation for our Infusion 1.0 release. Our goal is  
to make Infusion approachable for new users, providing them with  
enough documentation to progressively immerse themselves in the  
technology. This includes:

  * Useful tutorials for our production-level components
  * Comprehensive API documentation
  * Clear explanations of the benefits of our framework features
  * Concepts and techniques that underpin the use of Infusion

The plan is to wrap this sprint up by the end of the week. To  
successfully accomplish this, we need your help. Everyone in the  
community: if you have a few spare cycles to lend a hand, we'd  
appreciate it. Here's a list of a few things you could help with:

  * Editing existing documentation
  * Information architecture and organization of the documentation
  * Writing new tutorials
  * Review for accuracy

Here's a detailed list documentation tasks:

Don't hesitate to get in touch here on the list or in the IRC channel  
if you want to get involved.


Colin Clark
Technical Lead, Fluid Project
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre, University of Toronto

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