proposed standup time change 1:30p PDT/2:30p MDG/4:30p EDT/9:30p BST/10:30p CEST

Jess Mitchell jess at
Mon Apr 20 15:19:40 UTC 2009

Dear All,

The folks in the farthest east time zone -- in Spain -- have proposed  
that we change the daily standup time to the above times.  I know our  
current time isn't so good for West Coasters, so I think this might be  
a good suggestion.

Can we do the +/- thing and get ourselves squared away on a time that  
is least awful for everyone on the core team?

+1 for the change from me...


Jess Mitchell
Boston, MA, USA
Project Manager / Fluid Project
jess at
/ w / 617.326.7753  / c / 919.599.5378
jabber: jessmitchell at

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