Release Priorities: Bug Fixing > QA > Dependencies > Read Me > Wiki Documentation and Demos

Eli Cochran eli at
Tue Apr 7 20:49:26 UTC 2009

Hi folks,
We're still on track for a 1.0 Release end of the day Toronto time  
tomorrow but there are still a bunch of tasks to be done.

Here are the priorities as I see it. When you're done with one, please  
move on to the next.

Bug Fixing: Done according to
If you still have issues open for 1.0 please go in and change the fix  

QA: Those of you with testing tasks to complete, please remember to  
check them off as you go.

Build Dependencies:
Hoping that these can get completed today.

Read me:
Component leaders, as soon as you have your dependencies done, it is  
time to review and edit the ReadMe.txt file., you each have sub- 

Please focus on the What's New and Known Issues areas. Michelle and I  
will document the reorg and build changes, or we'll ping you  
specifically for help.

I find the following lists very helpful for What's New and Known Issues:
[Infusion 1.0 Resolved Issues] Issue Navigator - Fluid Project Issue  
[Infusion 1.0 Known Issues] Issue Navigator - Fluid Project Issue  

Keep it to big ticket items and big stumblers.

Feel free to edit the ReadMe.txt file or send me your updates.

Wiki Documentation:
OK, if you still have time on your hands, then there are still  
documentation tasks.

Eli Cochran
Your 1.0 Release Manager

. . . . . . . . . . .  .  .   .    .      .         .              .                     .

Eli Cochran
user interaction developer
ETS, UC Berkeley

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