SVN Question - modifications to an External file

Eli Cochran eli at
Tue Apr 7 03:25:28 UTC 2009

Having some kind of an automated "diff" of your changes to the vendor  
code is critical so that you don't miss any changes that you made. And  
a svn patch file is an excellent, if a bit cryptic, document of those  

Most of the time, you won't be able to simply "apply" the patch.  
You'll most likely unless the vendor update was small, have to move  
your changes over by hand.

I would also keep around a versioned clean version of the vendors code  
as well so that when a new version comes in you can easily view the  
changes that the vendor made, making it easier to see where you need  
to apply your changes.

When you're done updating, be sure to make a new patch file to  
document the new deltas.

- Eli

On Apr 6, 2009, at 11:05 AM, Jonathan Hung wrote:

> Hi everyone.
> Here's the scenario:
> - I have some vendor code defined as an External property in SVN.
> - After checking out that code, some local modifications are made.
> - I want to version control these modifications, but do not want the  
> changes committed to the vendor's code base (I don't have commit  
> access anyway).
> Question:
> How do we track modifications done to an External resource in the  
> Fluid repository?
> I'm thinking of using a Patch file to track modifications. Is this  
> an acceptable method or is there a better way?
> - Jonathan.
> ---
> Jonathan Hung / jhung.utoronto at
> Fluid Project - ATRC at University of Toronto
> Tel: (416) 946-3002

. . . . . . . . . . .  .  .   .    .      .         .              .                     .

Eli Cochran
user interaction developer
ETS, UC Berkeley

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