Next iteration of List Reorderer in Announcements posted...

Colin Clark colin.clark at
Sun Oct 26 14:58:35 UTC 2008


On 26-Oct-08, at 9:53 AM, Clay Fenlason wrote:
> Is there an accessibility reason, perhaps, for why reordering in place
> is the wrong way to go?

I'll let Daphne or others respond to the overall interaction question,  
but I don't see any specific accessibility reasons for avoiding  
"reorder in place." Indeed, in other implementations of the Reorderer,  
such as uPortal 3.1's use of the layout reorderer, we don't use a  
separate mode at all. Reorderering is just there when you need it.


Colin Clark
Technical Lead, Fluid Project
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre, University of Toronto

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