Fluid Infusion 0.4beta1 Released!

Anastasia Cheetham a.cheetham at utoronto.ca
Thu Jun 26 18:17:51 UTC 2008

The Fluid team is proud to announce a Beta release of version 0.4 of  
Fluid Infusion.  It is ready for download from:

Included in this release are:
  * Preview versions of two new components:
    * Inline Edit
    * Pager
  * Improvements to the Uploader

This Beta release is intended to give the Fluid community a preview of  
what will be in the 0.4 release. We encourage you to use and  
experiment with Fluid v0.4beta1, and if you encounter any problems,  
let us know.  You can file bug reports at
or discuss issues on our mailing lists, fluid-talk at fluidproject.org  
or fluid-work at fluidproject.org.

The Fluid components are dual licensed under ECL 2.0/BSD. See the  
Fluid source code repository for the text of these licences:

The Fluid source code is also available for download from the  

Many thanks to everyone who helped with this release!

Anastasia Cheetham                   a.cheetham at utoronto.ca
Software Designer, Fluid Project    http://fluidproject.org
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre / University of Toronto

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