Does anyone know why TOCs in the wiki display shifted to the right?

Anastasia Cheetham a.cheetham at
Thu Jun 5 19:03:08 UTC 2008

On 5-Jun-08, at 11:44 AM, Daphne Ogle wrote:

> Here's an example:
> I don't see any code that is shifted the 1st level bullets over but it
> doesn't seem like that would be the default formatting.  Any ideas?

Daphne, I tried a change that seems to improve it.

The issues is that the headings that the ToC is generated from are  
actually staring at 2nd level, not first, so they are being indented.  
I set the {toc} macro to start at level 2 ({toc:minLevel=2}). This  
seems to prompt it to treat these 2nd level headings as top level ToC  

Anastasia Cheetham                   a.cheetham at
Software Designer, Fluid Project
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre / University of Toronto

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