Thanks for all your hard work on Infusion 0.3

Colin Clark colin.clark at
Mon Jun 2 23:51:41 UTC 2008

Hi everyone,

Just in case you missed any of my cross posts, Fluid Infusion 0.3 has  
been released:

I want to take a moment to thank everyone who worked on this release.  
Thanks to all the designers, for creating a really great user  
experience when customizing layouts and uploading files. The  
development team, for working through a lot of complex issues on the  
bleeding edge of DHTML development, especially on the accessibility  
front. And the QA and testing team, who took the time to thoroughly  
verify our work as we went. We put a big push on documentation for  
this release, so special thanks to everyone who lent a hand with  
writing and wiki gardening.

You guys all deserve a round of thanks and congratulations for your  
contributions to Infusion 0.3!

Thinking ahead to Infusion 0.4, we've got some interesting new  
components planned:

  * Inline Edit:
  * Pager:

We're hoping to have a small preview release out in time for the Sakai  
Paris conference, so this release will undoubtedly involve a lot of  
careful planning and coordination throughout the community. If you are  
interested in lending a hand, please let us know.

Thanks again, and congratulations to all.


Colin Clark
Technical Lead, Fluid Project
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre, University of Toronto

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