UX team iteration planning meeting

Colin Clark colin.clark at utoronto.ca
Fri Jan 18 19:30:24 UTC 2008

Hi everyone,

I'd like to schedule a UX team iteration planning meeting for early  
next week. Now that we've got a solid release plan put together for  
our UX deliverables, it's time to start breaking the work up into  
smaller chunks, signing up for tasks, and tracking our overall progress.

Unless anyone has another idea in mind, I'd like to start with two- 
week planning iterations. That way we'll be able to assess our  
progress and refine our priorities on a regular basis, without adding  
a lot of extra overhead for meetings. We do have the GreenHopper JIRA  
plugin installed now, and will be moving our planning work over to it  
soon, but in the meantime let's continue with CardMeeting.

So before the meeting, it would be very helpful if each of the UX team  
coordinators can  take a look at the release plan cards for 0.3 in  
CardMeeting, and to start breaking those deliverables down into  
smaller 1-5 day tasks or "stories."

Does 2 pm EST/11 am PST on Monday work for you? We'll meet via Breeze.


Colin Clark
Technical Lead, Fluid Project
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre, University of Toronto

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