Fluid Infusion 0.6 Released!

Anastasia Cheetham a.cheetham at utoronto.ca
Fri Dec 19 16:06:33 UTC 2008

The Fluid Project is pleased to announce the final release of Fluid  
Infusion 0.6, featuring updated Uploader and Pager, new versions of  
Inline Edit, and previews of the new User Interface Options component  
and the Fluid Skinning System.

Infusion 0.6b is available for download at:


What's New in This Release?

     * Completely Refactored Uploader
     * Two new flavours of Inline Edit: Dropdown and Rich Text
     * Updated Pager component
     * Sneak Peek of our new component: User Interface Options
     * Preview of the Fluid Skinning System
     * Many bug fixes

What is Fluid Infusion?

Fluid Infusion is a collection of rich, reusable, accessible user  
interface components built for the Web. These components have been  
designed by a cross-disciplinary team and thoroughly tested for  
usability and accessibility. By incorporating Fluid components into  
your web application's user interface, you will make your application  
easier to use by more people. Easier to use means happier users.

Known Issues

An up-to-date listing of known issues with this release is available at:

Help us Build a Usable Web For Everyone

The Fluid Project is an open, collaborative development project. Our  
goal is to improve the user experience of community source web  
applications, so if you are a designer or developer and want to help  
change the world, consider getting involved! The Fluid component  
library includes not only full source code but also a designer's  
toolkit that offers useful design, accessibility, and usability  
strategies and documentation, all backed by a growing community of  
interaction designers, user interface experts, and software developers  
contributing a wealth of expertise in usability and accessibility.

Many thanks to everyone in the community for their hard work and  
support for this release, and the Fluid Team wishes everyone a Happy  

Anastasia Cheetham                   a.cheetham at utoronto.ca
Software Designer, Fluid Project    http://fluidproject.org
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre / University of Toronto

   "You live and learn. At any rate, you live"
           -- Douglas Adams

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