0.6 Uploader API documentation

Eli Cochran eli at media.berkeley.edu
Thu Dec 18 23:53:33 UTC 2008

Progress is being made in the Uploader API documentation. Not as much  
progress as I would like at this time, but progress.

There is now only one Uploader API page, the old Uploader 1 page is  
gone and the Uploader 2 API page is the now the only one.


I've started to rewrite the Creator. I need to add some stuff about  
the how progressiveEnhancableUploader works.

I've updated the Supported Events section. This section is pretty much  

Much more to do that I will pick up tonight and tomorrow.

- Eli

. . . . . . . . . . .  .  .   .    .      .         .              .                     .

Eli Cochran
user interaction developer
ETS, UC Berkeley

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