Fw: FLUID-1821: Image Reorderer instructions for screen reader users

E.J. Zufelt everett at zufelt.ca
Sat Dec 13 03:28:32 UTC 2008

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "E.J. Zufelt" <everett at zufelt.ca>
To: "Allison Bloodworth" <abloodworth at berkeley.edu>
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: FLUID-1821: Image Reorderer instructions for screen reader 

> Good evening,
> I'm not to familiar with how things are supposed to work, or how they 
> actually work, but shouldn't ATs like JAWS automatically switch in and out 
> of virtual cursor mode depending on what type of region the user has 
> entered?
> Thanks,
> Everett
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Allison Bloodworth" <abloodworth at berkeley.edu>
> To: "Anastasia Cheetham" <a.cheetham at utoronto.ca>
> Cc: "Fluid Work" <fluid-work at fluidproject.org>
> Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 6:57 PM
> Subject: Re: FLUID-1821: Image Reorderer instructions for screen reader 
> users
>> Hi Anastasia,
>> What do the instructions say currently? It seems to me that a  reference 
>> to the "virtual cursor" could be very confusing to non- screen reader 
>> users. It also seems that if there were a way to give  JAWS users info 
>> about *only* the set of keystrokes they could use, it  would be best to 
>> do that and minimize their cognitive load.
>> Cheers,
>> Allison
>> On Dec 11, 2008, at 12:53 PM, Anastasia Cheetham wrote:
>>> FLUID-1821 suggests some improvements to the Image Reorderer 
>>> instructions for screen reader users - for example, the instructions 
>>> that they need to turn off virtual cursor.
>>> In trying to implement these improvements, however, some questions  came 
>>> to mind that I'm not sure how to deal with.
>>> Here's the source of the conundrum:
>>> We first implemented the keyboard movement using Ctrl + arrow keys.  We 
>>> soon found that this key combination was already 'taken' by JAWS  for 
>>> another purpose, so we found an unused combination: Ctrl + i, j,  k or 
>>> m. Now, the Image Reorderer will work with either of these sets  of 
>>> keys.
>>> The instructions that are both displayed and spoken describe both of 
>>> these keysets. However, JAWS users can't use whichever set they like  - 
>>> only the letter version will work for them. Also, it could be  argued 
>>> that non-screen reader users don't really need to be told to  turn 
>>> virtual cursor off.
>>> So: should the spoken instructions be different than the visual 
>>> instructions? Is this a good idea? A bad idea?
>>> Thoughts from screen reader users? Thoughts from interaction  designers? 
>>> Thoughts from people who have thoughts on the issue?
>>> -- 
>>> Anastasia Cheetham                   a.cheetham at utoronto.ca
>>> Software Designer, Fluid Project    http://fluidproject.org
>>> Adaptive Technology Resource Centre / University of Toronto
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>> Allison Bloodworth
>> Senior User Interaction Designer
>> Educational Technology Services
>> University of California, Berkeley
>> (415) 377-8243
>> abloodworth at berkeley.edu
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