Storycards for list reorderer component are posted

Daphne Ogle daphne at
Tue Dec 9 23:02:31 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I've created story cards for design changes we'd like to see make it  
back into the component:

There were already a set of story cards for integrating the list  
reorderer into announcements:
Gonzalo has already implemented the set of integration story cards.   
Some of what's in the new set of storycards are also included in this  
set but they were handled as integration customizations rather than  
part of the component.  The new story cards identify the pieces of  
that work that are reusable and belong in the component itself rather  
than as an integration customization.

A couple questions:
- Is it confusing to have 2 sets of story cards?  If so, other ideas  
of how to document?
- The new set of story cards include wireframes on the page.  There is  
also a Wireframes page that has the same wireframes.  Rather than  
include the wireframes in both places I could point to the Wireframes  
page from the Story card page.  Much better from a maintenance  
perspective but not as convenient for those using the story cards  
since they'll have to bounce around in the wiki.  So, should the story  
cards include the wireframes on the page or just point to the  
wireframe page?
- Shall I enter the new story cards as jiras?


Daphne Ogle
Senior Interaction Designer
University of California, Berkeley
Educational Technology Services
daphne at
cell (510)847-0308

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