
Eli Cochran eli at media.berkeley.edu
Fri Apr 18 19:55:36 UTC 2008

Yes, that makes sense. However, I think what is missing from that  
description is that the arrow keys not only map to an increase and  
decrease of value but there is also a corresponding spatial mapping on  
the screen to that value continuum, even though that spatial mapping  
doesn't matter to a non-sighted user. It is not enough that the keys  
map to an increase and decrease in value but they also map to the  
actual direction on the screen.

Or maybe the recommendation is that spatial orientation of values  
along the continuum should always map to the culturally appropriate  
orientation for increasing and decreasing values and that the arrow  
key bindings map to that spatial orientation.

Whew, is that jargon-y.

As for the double thumb, I think that is what is expected and correct.  
What would be nice is if the audible feedback could provide cues when  
the indicator reaches either limit and perhaps why. Interesting problem.

- Eli

On Apr 18, 2008, at 11:40 AM, Joseph Scheuhammer wrote:

> Thanks Eli,
> Does this come close?  Admittedly, it's for a single-range (single- 
> thumb?) slider:
> http://dev.aol.com/dhtml_style_guide#slider
> There is one wrinkle in the double-thumb slider and that is movement  
> of one of the thumbs is constrained to not go beyond the other  
> thumb.  All movement of a particular thumb would be restricted to  
> the range defined by the other thumb (did that make sense?).
>> As for the keystrokes, I think that it makes sense if it is a tab  
>> and arrowkey combination. Tab to the element and then move the  
>> element using the directional keys. Similar to reordering an item  
>> in a list. I always like arrows for movement, it seems natural.
>> I would also allow for larger jumps than single step increments.  
>> Most layout and drawing applications use the arrow key alone to  
>> move by 1 (whatever 1 means in the context) and then shift-arrow to  
>> mean move by 1x (where x is usually 10 or the next grid step or,  
>> again, whatever makes sense in the context).
> -- 
> ;;;;joseph
> 'This is not war -- this is pest control!'
>     - "Doomsday", Dalek Leader -

. . . . . . . . . . .  .  .   .    .      .         .              .                     .

Eli Cochran
user interaction developer
ETS, UC Berkeley

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