Uploader: Tasks, To dos, etc.

Eli Cochran eli at media.berkeley.edu
Tue Apr 15 21:20:06 UTC 2008

Hi folks,
Below is the list of tasks that still need doing to get to a complete  
and final Multi-File Upload component. There are tasks specific to  
this component but it's also a pretty good overview of all the coding  
considerations that go into creating any component.

We can release the Uploader before we complete all these tasks, as a  
preview or early release. But the community should decide what minimum  
level of polish is required before we do.

Also these tasks represent just the front-end implementation. We still  
need to get the Uploader, in all its glory, running in a context. And  
I'm sure that once we're do there will be lots of additional issues  
that come up.

Fluid Multi-File Uploader
- UI Polish
	- scroll files into view when added to the queue
	- set the state of UI objects through JS and not CSS
- Add the ability to display the Uploader in a DHTML dialog using  
jQuery UI
- Create sample files for the dialog work-flow.
- Re-factor to support multiple instances of an Uploader on a page
- Re-factor for keyboard access
- Re-factor for screen reader support (ARIA)
- Add and test Error Handling: (the hooks for the error handling are  
mostly there, I just need a good way to generate errors)
- Add Unit Tests

Fluid Progress Bar Widget
- UI Polish
	- calculate the widths of the progress bar using actual pixels and  
not percentages
- Separate this code from the Multi-File Uploader
- Re-factor to add flexibility and configurability
- Re-factor to support multiple instances of an Progress Bar on a page
- Re-factor for keyboard access
- Re-factor for screen reader support (ARIA)
- Validate the flexibility of the widget by using it to create a very  
different design
- Validate the flexibility of the widget by using it in a very  
different context.
- Add Unit Tests

. . . . . . . . . . .  .  .   .    .      .         .              .                     .

Eli Cochran
user interaction developer
ETS, UC Berkeley

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