What to do with planning tasks that need to move to next iteration?

Colin Clark colin.clark at utoronto.ca
Wed Apr 2 03:21:56 UTC 2008

Hi Daphne,

Good question. One of the benefits of tracking work that wasn't  
completed is, as you say, to help with the velocity calculation.

However, now that we have the spreadsheet containing a summary of all  
our estimated tasks, it is indeed safe to go ahead and just change the  
iteration tag for a task that you never started. No need to clone  
tasks across iterations.


On 1-Apr-08, at 8:51 PM, Daphne Ogle wrote:
> I keep getting confused about how we handle these.  So we won't  
> complete a task this iteration so I want it scheduled for next  
> iteration.
> Can I just change the "iteration05" to "iteration06" or does that  
> screw up the run rate calculations and the such?  I think we only  
> add the time spent on tasks completed, right?  This is what I've  
> been doing previously but Allison wasn't sure about this being the  
> right process.
> Thanks!
> Daphne Ogle
> Senior Interaction Designer
> University of California, Berkeley
> Educational Technology Services
> daphne at media.berkeley.edu
> cell (510)847-0308

Colin Clark
Technical Lead, Fluid Project
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre, University of Toronto

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