Image Gallery and Fluid Lightbox running in uPortal

Colin Clark colin.clark at
Tue Jun 26 18:25:53 UTC 2007

Hi everyone,

Thanks to the hard work of Antranig Basman, we now have a version of the 
Image Gallery that works as JSR-168 portlet. This has given us an 
opportunity to test the Lightbox within uPortal, and I'm pleased to say 
that it's working great! Keep in mind that it is only a proof-of-concept 
at the moment, but is intended to illustrate the ability of Fluid's 
component technology to work across applications.

Thanks also to Elliot Metsger for his help deploying the new portlet in 
uPortal 2. In case you're curious, I've attached a screenshot of 
Lightbox running in uPortal. I'll be demoing the Lightbox running in uP2 
this afternoon during my presentation here at the JA-SIG summer conference.

If you'd like to take a look at the code, it's currently located in 
Sakai's contrib repository:

We'll move this code out of Sakai's repository and into either Fluid's 
or JA-SIG's SVN soon so it's more easily accessible for those of you who 
want to try it out.


Colin Clark
Technical Lead, Fluid Project
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre, University of Toronto
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