Lightbox up and down arrow keys

Clayton H Lewis Clayton.Lewis at Colorado.EDU
Fri Jun 15 14:38:28 UTC 2007

(warning: opinion not supported by data)
my hunch is that the "inconsistent" behavior you have now is fine...  
the right-left behavior reflects well-learned facts about text order  
(that is, for us roman alphabet people), and there isn't a comparable  
convention people would expect for offsetting a vertical scan when it  
On Jun 14, 2007, at 7:07 PM, Michelle D'Souza wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Just wanted to let you know that the lightbox now works with the up  
> and down arrow keys.
> I have a question for the UX people out there about wrapping.  
> Currently, if I am using the left and right arrow keys and I wrap  
> past the end of a line, the thumbnail on the next (or previous)  
> line is selected. If I am using the up and down arrow keys and I  
> wrap above or below the column, the last (or first) thumbnail in  
> the column is selected. This seems inconsistent. However, if we did  
> make it consistent the behaviour also seems strange. If we change  
> up and down to behave like left and right, the thumbnail 'below' an  
> item in the bottom row would be in the next column. If we change  
> left and right to behave like up and down then there would be no  
> way to cycle through all of the thumbnails with a single key - a  
> feature that seems very useful. Thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Michelle
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Michelle D'Souza
> Software Developer, Fluid Project
> Adaptive Technology Resource Centre
> University of Toronto
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Clayton Lewis
Professor of Computer Science
Scientist in Residence, Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities
University of Colorado

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