Fluid U-Camp Amsterdam 2007 Template

Mark Norton markjnorton at earthlink.net
Thu Jun 7 18:05:16 UTC 2007


Mara Hancock wrote:

>I have been thinking about Fluid as being this thin layer of binding  
>fabric (with pretty strong fibers) between the work and communities.  
>Unfortunately I don't have a good visual to go with it. Yet.
>On Jun 7, 2007, at 9:51 AM, Colin Clark wrote:
>>Hi Mike,
>>Seamus responded to your point about what the template was intended
>>for, but I also wanted to address the question of if the U-Camp is a
>>Sakai or a Fluid event.
>>It's both! In many ways, there shouldn't be a distinction between
>>Sakai and Fluid (or uPortal or Moodle and Fluid, for that matter). In
>>the end, Fluid consists of members of the communities helping out
>>where we can, and the U-Camp is an important event all around.
>>Quoting Michael S Elledge <elledge at msu.edu>:
>>>This really is nice! Question: is this for those parts of UCamp that
>>>address Fluid as the main topic, or for all the UCamp  
>>>presentations. I
>>>still think of UCamp as a Sakai event, but maybe that has changed?
>>fluid-work mailing list
>>fluid-work at fluidproject.org
>Mara Hancock
>ETS Associate Director of Learning Systems
>University of California, Berkeley
>Educational Technology Services
>9 Dwinelle Hall, #2535
>Berkeley, CA 94720
>Desk: 510-643-9923
>Mobile: 510-407-0543
>fluid-work mailing list
>fluid-work at fluidproject.org

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