icons in action!

Daphne Ogle daphne at media.berkeley.edu
Mon Jul 9 19:14:41 UTC 2007

I'm adding the UI list to the conversation (btw -- we probably  
shouldn't assume the UI community reads all the dev list emails...at  
least not at the same level as the UI list).

This is a great idea!  I'm happy to help however I can.  From a  
design standpoint it seems like you most need the skills of visual  
and/or graphic designers and UI developers.  Unfortunately, Seamus,  
who did our new skin at Berkeley is heading back to Ireland in 2  
weeks so we are bit lacking in the visual design respect right now.   
Let me know how I can help though.


On Jul 9, 2007, at 12:56 AM, Ian Boston wrote:

> Gonzalo,
> This sounds excelent, I would be happy to implement anything you  
> needed in the portal code if you could lead the effort. It might  
> also be good to pull resource from the fluid members with  
> exeperties, if the were willing and you thought it a good idea.
> Ian
> Sent from my Pearl, sorry about the briefness and spelling!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gonzalo Silverio <gsilver at umich.edu>
> Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2007 10:29:33
> To:"Sean Mehan" <sean at smo.uhi.ac.uk>
> Cc:"John Norman" <john at caret.cam.ac.uk>,"Sakai Dev" <sakai- 
> dev at collab.sakaiproject.org>
> Subject: Re: icons in action!
> I would be happy to be a part of this work:
> 1) create a more pleasing OOTB skin
> 2) create a wireframe skin for customization, perhaps 2 more example
> skins
> 3) supporting documentation (media, text)
> For 1) the choice is to start on the basis of an existing one - such
> as the NYU skin - if that is OK with that institution . See:
> https://collab.sakaiproject.org/access/content/attachment/
> cc9cb174-7543-48b8-80d8-fc6e80c77b2b/nyu_icons.png
> Or start from scratch - but with a design. A designer would be needed
> for that.
> The portal markup is in pretty good shape but may need some changes
> for 2.5 - feedback on this is needed. The documentation is way
> overdue for a major overhaul - feedback, keystrokes and actors needed
> there as well.
> Am assuming this does not go very deep into the tools.
> So need:
> - A designer
> - User testing, evaluation
> - Markup mavens with strong opinions
> - Documentation writing, webcast scripting and acting.
> - Gonzalo
> On Jul 8, 2007, at 9:20 AM, Sean Mehan wrote:
>> ++1 on this, i.e., shipping with a couple of skins by default.
>> Also, in
>> this vein, a webcast by some plucky designer showing how they went
>> from
>> skin1 to skin2 in design terms, i.e., demonstrating how EASY it is to
>> shift skins in sakai, perhaps with another bit at the end of said
>> webcast
>> demonstrating how to switch skins.
>> regards,
>> sean
>> <quote who="John Norman">
>>> I agree with Chuck. Perhaps is makes sense to consider an
>>> aesthetically pleasing default skin _and_ a basic skin as a starting
>>> point for skin customisation (maybe even one that somehow discloses
>>> the customisation options).
>>> John
>>> On 8 Jul 2007, at 13:29, Charles Severance wrote:
>>>> A couple of comments about the icons and the skin.
>>>> - I agree with Glenn and Vivie about the current trunk ugliness and
>>>> the icons on the front page not looking very nifty.  If we cannot
>>>> make it look better, we should simply disable the icons and let
>>>> people put them back in their own skins - currently I like the
>>>> default being on so we know there is work to do :)
>>>> - I agree that the out of the box skin should be designed to be
>>>> extensible - it should be cleanly implemented and well-documented
>>>> to allow modification.
>>>> - I disagree with the implication that we should never ship with a
>>>> skin which shows the icons.  That somehow the default skin needs to
>>>> be bare bones.  If we can come up with a cleanly implemented, well-
>>>> documented, easily extended, skin that uses the icons and looks
>>>> great out of the box - then we should consider it.
>>>> The reason is that people looking at Sakai OOTB - form opinions
>>>> about the product - and if the skin continues to be so minimal -
>>>> people will get the wrong impression about the fit and polish of
>>>> the product.  It is sad but true, but the visual impact of the
>>>> default skin means a lot to a *lot* of people - sad sad sad but oh
>>>> so true.
>>>> So I would like to keep an open mind about a future default skin
>>>> that does include the icons - with the agreement that the current
>>>> state of icons is most easily fixed by turning off the icons OOTB -
>>>> or perhaps simply disabling the "iframe/web content icon".
>>>> Charles Severance
>>>> csev at umich.edu www.dr-chuck.com
>>>> On Jul 7, 2007, at 2:51 PM, Vivie Sinou wrote:
>>>>> I sure hope this doesn't pop up in Sakai OOTB in a future release
>>>>> - not as
>>>>> the only skin option, at any rate.
>>>>> A couple of years ago, a group worked very hard to create a
>>>>> generic /
>>>>> vanilla-flavor skin that is easy to customize for local brands /
>>>>> implementations. Please keep a simple, vanilla skin for Sakai
>>>>> OOTB, and if
>>>>> folks (whoever) think that another with icons and additional
>>>>> styles will
>>>>> appeal to others, offer a secondary option.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Vivie
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Glenn R. Golden [mailto:ggolden at umich.edu]
>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2007 11:00 AM
>>>>>> To: Sakai Dev
>>>>>> Subject: icons in action!
>>>>>> Does anyone else think that this (the icons on the gateway
>>>>>> page in the trunk) looks sort of silly?  (follow the link
>>>>>> below to see that attached image)
>>>>>> I'm not sure which of the following contributes mostly to this:
>>>>>> - the formatting
>>>>>> - the redundancy
>>>>>> - Glenn
>>>>>> Glenn R. Golden
>>>>>> Software Architect, University Of Michigan ggolden at umich.edu
>>>>>> [see attachment: "unknown.html", size: 1447 bytes]
>>>>>> [see attachment: "pastedGraphic.png", size: 25922 bytes]
>>>>>> Attachments:
>>>>>> unknown.html
>>>>>> https://collab.sakaiproject.org/access/content/attachment/9ba4
>>>>>> 4221-f9e2-42c2-000b-8851c3a68be4/unknown.html
>>>>>> pastedGraphic.png
>>>>>> https://collab.sakaiproject.org/access/content/attachment/07ce
>>>>>> 7142-5966-4caa-8072-c67629e4e3c6/pastedGraphic.png
>>>>>> ----------------------
>>>>>> This automatic notification message was sent by Sakai Collab
>>>>>> (https://collab.sakaiproject.org/portal) from the DG:
>>>>>> Development (a.k.a. sakai-dev) site.
>>>>>> You can modify how you receive notifications at My Workspace
>>>>>>> Preferences.
>>>>> ----------------------
>>>>> This automatic notification message was sent by Sakai Collab
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>>>>> (a.k.a. sakai-dev) site.
>>>>> You can modify how you receive notifications at My Workspace >
>>>>> Preferences.
>>>> [see attachment: "message0.html", size: 13563 bytes]
>>>> Attachments:
>>>> message0.html
>>>> https://collab.sakaiproject.org/access/content/attachment/22e300d3-
>>>> d4f4-4259-809a-ddb2e07fd24d/message0.html
>>>> ----------------------
>>>> This automatic notification message was sent by Sakai Collab
>>>> (https://collab.sakaiproject.org/portal) from the DG: Development
>>>> (a.k.a. sakai-dev) site.
>>>> You can modify how you receive notifications at My Workspace >
>>>> Preferences.
>>> ----------------------
>>> This automatic notification message was sent by Sakai Collab
>>> (https://collab.sakaiproject.org/portal) from the DG: Development
>>> (a.k.a.
>>> sakai-dev) site.
>>> You can modify how you receive notifications at My Workspace >
>>> Preferences.
>> --
>> Sean Mehan
>> Head of e-Frameworks
>> Learning and Information Services
>> UHI
>> ----------------------
>> This automatic notification message was sent by Sakai Collab
>> (https://collab.sakaiproject.org/portal) from the DG: Development
>> (a.k.a. sakai-dev) site.
>> You can modify how you receive notifications at My Workspace >
>> Preferences.
> - Gonzalo
> ---------------------------
> ----------------------
> This automatic notification message was sent by Sakai Collab  
> (https://collab.sakaiproject.org/portal) from the DG: Development  
> (a.k.a. sakai-dev) site.
> You can modify how you receive notifications at My Workspace >  
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> ----------------------
> This automatic notification message was sent by Sakai Collab  
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> (a.k.a. sakai-dev) site.
> You can modify how you receive notifications at My Workspace >  
> Preferences.

Daphne Ogle
Senior Interaction Designer
University of California, Berkeley
Educational Technology Services
daphne at media.berkeley.edu
cell (510)847-0308

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